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NoveLin Plant
HydroFlex Hydrogenation Plant
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Palm fatty acid distillate biodiesel
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Process Technology

Multiple products with various melting points and other properties demand a fractionation process able to handle sharp cuts for different liquid and solid fractions with crystallization and filtration under low temperatures. Lipochem not only offers the conventional fractionation processes but is also able to customize the process plants according to customers’ requirements.

We aim to optimize technologies for solvent fractionation that produces high value products such as tocopherols, carotenes and other antioxidants by collaborating with international membrane filter providers as well as incorporating solvent recovery systems.

click the image for enlarge


Premium Oil Process

An example of a fruitful partnership between Lipochem and MPOB is the scale up for the production of a Novel Palm Olein (NoveLin) with cold stability.

The manufacturing process uses specially selected refined palm oil with other seed oils in complementary blends to provide for a selective group of triacylglycerols for fractionation. Fractionations of oils and fats is well-accepted process that is simple, non-chemical and makes use of the natual phenomenon of the oil components crystallizing out when subjected to cooling conditions.

The crystals are separated for use in different applications, while the liquid oil remains stable and clear at 0 ºC. The design of the crystallizers and filter press are crucial to the success in maintaining product quality.

NoveLin, Premium Health Balance Cooking Oil is special because:

  • It is formulated in accordance to World Health Organization (WHO) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines and is expected to show reduction in heart-related diseases
  • It is a balanced oil that remains liquid at supermarket conditions in temperate countries
  • It is low in saturation, but high in monounsaturation, and a source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and is free from cholesterol and trans fatty acids
  • It has good oxidative stability compared to common unsaturated oils

It can be used in:

  • General household cooking, frying and as salad dressing
  • Industrial food processing
  • Blended with other native vegetable oils
The NoveLin inventor, Dr. Siew Wai Lin (MPOB), and the products.
Launching of NoveLin by YB Minister of KPPK, Tan Sri Bernard Dompok on 18 June 2009
Dr. Siew Wai Lin received the MICCOS Innovative Scientist Award from YB Minister of KPPK, Tan Sri Bernard Dompk, on 13 October 2009


Specialty Oils and Fats

PKO Fractionation System

Lipochem Palm Kernel Oil Fractionation System has incorporated new features transformed from the conventional PKO fractionation plant into a clean, modern, highly automated and cost effective system.